Life Is All About Balance…
We live in a world where multitasking has become the norm. You are expected to be able to tend to several things at once and do them all perfectly. Doing nothing, even for five minutes, seems like you’re lazy or slacking off. But life requires balance. You must take time to unplug and recharge. This applies to everything and everyone. Your phone, television, car…YOU!

The 3 C’s in recovery…
In recovery, it is essential that you know, understand and accept that you didn’t cause this disease, you can’t cure it and you can’t control it. However, learning how to take care of yourself, communicate your feelings, set boundaries with others and allow others to help you when you need it is essential. Yes it’s difficult, especially if you lived your life, not trusting others and relying solely on yourself. To learn how to create a healthier lifestyle in recovery, call us at SWOP…Serendipity Women’s Outpatient Program.

Are you ready to walk away?
When we ask this question, we’re not just talking about walking away from relationships, friendships and associations. We’re also talking about being ready to walk away from old hurts, grudges, anger and resentment that you’ve been holding on to for years. How does it serve you, grow you or make you happy to hold on to these negative emotions? Are you ready to let them go? If so, call us…we’re ready to help.
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Letting go and moving on
It’s Monday, the beginning of a new week. Not a time to replay the past, but a time to begin new things and move forward. We like to beat up on ourselves with the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s. Take a deep breath and let it go…