Letting go and moving on
It’s Monday, the beginning of a new week. Not a time to replay the past, but a time to begin new things and move forward. We like to beat up on ourselves with the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s. Take a deep breath and let it go…

Sobriety is…

Sobriety is…
Abstinence is not using. Sobriety is making a commitment to creating and living a new life based on new principles. It means working hard to become a new and better version of you.
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One Decision Away…
Every day in your addiction you are a decision away from choosing sobriety. A tough decision, but you don’t have to do it alone.
#theswopprogram #swop #outpatientprogram #womeninrecovery
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Losing You in Your Relationship
Sometimes, in an effort to maintain our relationships, we begin to make changes to who we are. While change can be good, change that forces us to become other than who we truly are at the core, to the extent that we lose our identity, is not. A healthy relationship develops when each party is able to achieve balance between attention to the other person and attention to their own needs. Click here for ideas on how to love without losing yourself.
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