Get back up
Relapse is not a given and it doesn’t have to be a part of recovery. But it can happen. That you relapsed is not important. What is important is that you get back up. SWOP is here to offer support through it all. Reach out to us…we’re here to help.

You are valued
Despite the life you have lived and the shame you may have endured, never forget that you are valued. Even on the days that you don’t, or can’t, feel like you are…you are valued!
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Be yourself
While it may be true that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is sure of herself and unafraid to be herself, such a woman is rare. Many women have been beaten and bullied into hiding and require love, support and encouragement to herself. Serendipity helps women to find and love themselves and to walk without fear of her future.

Your past doesn’t define you
Women in early recovery tend to worry about the behaviors that they engaged in while in active addiction. They worry about whether they will be judged by the things they have done. The simple answer is…maybe. But your past DOES NOT define you. You are the master of your destiny and you get to design your life in recovery. SWOP is here to help you do that. Reach out to us…we’re waiting.