“I Survived”
Many women in recovery cover or hide themselves, for fear of being ridiculed, shunned or shamed. But women in recovery are survivors, and many of you have the scars, some physical and others emotional, to prove it. When you are able to share your story, you should be encouraged to do so. Your story helps.
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Stand up…
The mind is such a powerful and wonderful thing that has the ability to work against us, at times when we need it most. Trying to convince someone to save themselves when their mind has already convinced them that they are beyond saving is difficult…but not impossible. If you know someone who would benefit from additional support, the SWOP program would be ideal for them. Reach out to us. We’re here to help.

…She Persisted
Today’s Lesson: No matter how many times life throws you a curveball or a roadblock, DON’T GIVE UP. PERSIST. There is a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dim this light may be or how long and dark the tunnel may seem. And remember…you are not alone.

Stop Enabling
Sometimes in an effort to be supportive of a loved one in addiction or early recovery, we end up being enabling. However, in order for recovery to begin, for them and for you, the enabling MUST stop. If you’re unsure of the difference between supporting and enabling, SWOP can assist. Reach out to us, we’re here to help.