Healing past wounds in recovery
You’ll hear addicts or recovering addicts say that they use because they like it, or because it makes them feel good. However, if you dig a little deeper, they will also tell you that it makes them feel good because it masks the pains of old wounds. Healing wounds from your past is part of the journey in recovery. If you’re sober and ready to begin healing the wounds of your past, Serendipity Women’s Outpatient Program – SWOP – is here to help. Reach out to us today.
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Addicts in recovery show strength
Recovery is a major accomplishment, yet we don’t always recognize the strength that it takes for an addict to achieve it. Moreover, the addict themselves still struggle to believe in their own strength and the possibility of achieving so much more in their lives. This is where SWOP, Serendipity Women’s Outpatient Program, comes in. We help you recognize and develop the strength you’ve found. Call us today!
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