Stay Strong
Those days will come where EVERYTHING seems to go wrong. The kids, work, significant other, school. These will test your emotional balance and you may briefly long for the days where your only responsibility was where to get your next fix. These days are temporary and not worth your sobriety. Don’t give up. Stay focused. Be positive. Stay Strong!

In My Feelings
Many of us struggle with feelings that we don’t know how to name. We can say that we are “feeling some type of way” or we’re “in our feelings” but can’t really say what the feelings are. As a result, we tend to lash out in frustration and anger or worse, shut down and isolate. If you struggle with naming your feelings, reach out to us at Serendipity. We’re here to help.

Are you ready to walk away?
When we ask this question, we’re not just talking about walking away from relationships, friendships and associations. We’re also talking about being ready to walk away from old hurts, grudges, anger and resentment that you’ve been holding on to for years. How does it serve you, grow you or make you happy to hold on to these negative emotions? Are you ready to let them go? If so, call us…we’re ready to help.
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Letting go and moving on
It’s Monday, the beginning of a new week. Not a time to replay the past, but a time to begin new things and move forward. We like to beat up on ourselves with the woulda, coulda, shoulda’s. Take a deep breath and let it go…