Unmasking the Shadows: How Vitamin Deficiencies Might be Masquerading as Depression
I want to shed light on a topic that often goes unnoticed – the link between vitamin deficiencies and depressive symptoms in adults. It might surprise you to learn that sometimes, what appears to be a case of the blues could actually be a silent cry for some essential vitamins and minerals.
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Second chances

Even if you don’t get your desired result the first time, tomorrow gives you a second chance…

Every little bit counts…

You have big plans for 2019. Great! But remember that you can achieve great heights by climbing a little at a time. You don’t have to do it all at once.

Never doubt who you are…

As we begin to wind down 2018, I’d like to leave you all with words of encouragement for 2019. Check in for the next couple of days to see what I have for you…