Adjust Your Sails
Flexibility is being able to adjust to circumstances that unexpectedly change. However, this also means being sure of yourself and having a good sense of balance. Until you get to that point, having good support helps. The SWOP program helps women in early recovery find balance, recover their self-esteem and build their self-confidence. If we can be helpful to you or someone you know, reach out to us. We’re here to help.

As you continue on your journey of self-discovery, remember…you are Intelligent, Brave, Inspiring, Innovative, Unstoppable, Worthy and Amazing. YOU ARE FIERCE!
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“I Survived”
Many women in recovery cover or hide themselves, for fear of being ridiculed, shunned or shamed. But women in recovery are survivors, and many of you have the scars, some physical and others emotional, to prove it. When you are able to share your story, you should be encouraged to do so. Your story helps.
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